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API is future of programming, and thankfully WordPress is working on this subject.

You register you API endpoints in api method of Main class.

We have defined a method to register endpoints that you should use it for each one of your APIControllers.

addAPI method

addAPI method is defined as so:

public function addAPI(string $version, string $baseRoute, $class, array $callbacks)
    foreach ($callbacks as $callback) {
        $this->apis [$version][$baseRoute][$class][] = $callback;

You should use this method like so:


addAPI Parameters

Pass the version on API that you are working on to $version. Example: v4

If you want to create endpoints users your $baseRoute will be: users.

$class parameter is your APIController class.

For cleaner structure you should create your APIControllers in ./app/Controller/API folder.

I recommend create a sub folder based on your versions, so if you want to add an endpoint to api v4 you should create the APIController class in this path:

And your version as prefix to Controller name for example if I want
to add ```UserAPIController``` for ```v3``` API I name it like so:

You should extend ```Realtyna\MvcCore\API``` in the APIController.

now for ```$callbacks``` parameter you should pass an array that represent your methods
in the APIController class.

For example my ```$callbacks``` array for ```V3UserAPIController``` will be:

By doing this you should create 3 public methods called login & register & forgetPassword inside V3UserAPIController.

So you have something like this:

$this->addAPI('v3', 'user', V3UserAPIController::class, [

Finally in each of this method you use register_rest_route method.

for example in login method I register my endpoint like so:

public function login()
        register_rest_route($this->namespace . '/' . $this->version, $this->baseRoute . '/user', array(
            'methods'  => [WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE],
            'callback' => [$this, 'loginRouteCallback'],
            'args'     => [
                'email'  => [
                    'description' => 'E-Mail',
                'password'  => [
                    'description' => 'Password',

$this->namespace is coming from configs. We have defined wpl as our default namespace, try not to change it.

$this->verion & $this->baseRoute is coming from addAPI Parameters.

We will add an easier helper to register endpoints but by with this approach you are not limited at all.


When you extend Realtyna\MvcCore\API you have access to validator.

For validating incoming request you should define your rules first. For example, I want to validate login request. so my rules array will be:

$rules = [
    'email' => ['required', 'email'],
    'password' => ['required'],

Complete list of rules are:


As you know you have access to WP_REST_REQUEST $request in your endpoint callback. so finally to validate a request you do so:

$rules = [
    'email' => ['required', 'email'],
    'password' => ['required'],
$validation = $this->validator->validate($request, $rules);

Validation errors are stored in assets/langs/validation.php. Try not to change them.

Public routes

By default, all routes are guarded that means you should pass Authorization header in your request.

We use JWT Auth for Authorization.

But if you want to create a public endpoint, you should create a property called $publicRoutes in your APIController.

For our example login endpoint should be public so I add this to my V3UserAPIController:

public array $publicRoutes = [

sendResponse method

Of course you need to return a response for your endpints. To do so you can use sendResponse method that accepts 3 parameters:

  • success (boolean)
  • data (array)
  • statusCode (int)


$this->sendResponse(true, ['token'=> 'asdasdasd'], 200);