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We are using Laravel Eloquent for our models. So when you are creating a model class in app/Models you should extend Realtyna\MvcCore\Model.

Eloquent documentation

You only need to know how to query and create models in database.

Default table

By default, Eloquent will look for table name that matches model name(with prefix). For example if your model name is User it will look for wp_users.

To change this default behavior you can override $table property in your model class.

    protected $table = 'wpl_users';

In this case it will look for: wp_wpl_users


You can also retrieve data from WordPress rest APIs internally.

for example if we have a model called User, and we want to get data from wp-json/wpl/v4/users/list this is how you do it:


This code will create a GET request to wp-json/wpl/v4/users/list internally then return the response to you.

where method

You can also set query params or body params for your request using where() method.


User::api('/wpl/v4/users/list')->method('GET')->where('state', 'LA')->send(true);

in GET method this is like calling:

in POST method it will set state=LA as body params.

Header method

By using header() method you can set an array of custom headers.


$headers = [
    'test'  => 'value',
    'test2'  => 'value2',
User::api('/wpl/v4/users/list')->method('GET')->header($headers)->where('state', 'LA')->send(true);

toObject method

if you chain toObject method as last method of your request it will try to return the response as Collection or Model(your model: User).

You can’t use this method if you used send(true), it will only work with send().

if response is a single object it will return an object of User.

if response is more than one user it will return an object of Collection

Read about Collection.


User::api('/wpl/v4/users/list')->method('GET')->where('state', 'LA')->send()->toObject();