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We have created a way to create different modules in your plugin.

You can register your components in components method in Main class by using:


addComponent Method

addComponent is defined as so:

public function addComponent($component): void
    $this->components [] = $component;

And you should pass your component class as its parameter.

Components should be created in ./app/Components.

For creating a new component create a class in ./app/Components, which that class extends Realtyna\MvcCore\Component class from the core.

In your component class you have to define register() method.

Usage concept

Components are used to create cleaner and more structured plugins. So you should try to contain all of your logic in its own component with no dependency to other components. of course sometimes these dependencies are unavoidable.

For example, you want to add a menu to admin dashboard, in this case I create my component class in: ./app/Components/Admin/Menu and I call my Component BaseMenu.

In register method of BaseMenu I’ll add my actions:

public function register()
    add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_admin_pages'));

and I define my callbacks in this class too, for example:

public function add_admin_pages()
        __('Test menu page for presentation', 'raeltyna-test-mvc'),
        __('Test menu page for presentation', 'raeltyna-test-mvc'),
        array($this, 'page_callback'),

public function page_callback()
    realtyna_get_template_part('admin/index', '', true);

realtyna_get_template_part method is explained in Views.

finally we have a component that add a menu to WordPress admin dashboard.

Another example:

I want to add Phone number field to users, so I create PhoneNumber class in:


and my class will be:

class PhoneNumber extends Component

    public function register()
        add_filter('user_contactmethods',array($this, 'add_custom_field'),10,1);

    function add_custom_field( $contactmethods ) {
        $contactmethods['phone_number'] = __('Phone Number', 'realtyna-text-domain');
        return $contactmethods;

and I register it like so in my Main class:
